2 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

Do you know why we miss?

I really do not know and understand what is “ to miss "? Why we miss people, what are the physical, emotional, mental causes of this? Have you ever noticed when you miss people around you and whom you miss in general?  I wanted to write about this, as it is one of the most important concepts in my life recently...

One of the Oxford Dictionary's definitions for the word "miss" is to "notice or feel the loss or absence of". Do you think you could only miss somebody or something that you had been accustomed to having with you or something new or even things you have not possessed? However, I'm wondering whether it is actually possible to "miss" somebody without having seen... This doesn't seem to be ruled out by the dictionary's definition.

Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.  ~Kay Knudsen

People always question that when we miss someone, is it because we love that person, we like that person or maybe it’s just an infatuation?  We keep on fighting with ourselves that what’s the reason for missing that person? Some time we also miss people we thought we do not really love... Many time we also miss people with whom we shared something like a special moment, a possession, an experience, an emotion, or a thought…

More and more scientists have started to make research about remembering, forgetting and missing: what are the psychological and mental functions behind them. We might ponder on the following reasons:

▪ We might miss someone when we want or need to share the moments with that person.
▪ When we are in love with that person.
▪ When we want or need to share the moments with that person.
▪ When we need to share or observe his/her particular reactions and unique traits.
▪ When we admire that person intellectually and need to share thoughts.
▪ When we respect her/his qualities and need to be close to that person.
▪ When we need someone to lean on.
▪ It might be infatuation after separation (just for particular period).
▪ It might be due to habits

Whatever may be the reason, I would say it’s very nice feeling to miss someone. You keep on thinking about that person whole day and night or if it’s worst you might start imagining him/her near you.

Many people feel that it’s the worst feeling to miss someone, but I totally disagree with this. I feel it’s the sweet pain and you can for sure enjoy missing someone. It is a sign that there are valuable people in your life. And at least you have known them... The only thing you need to remember is that you have to miss the golden moment you spend with each other. Please don’t ever miss bad times you spend with that person. Always try to cherish the good moments and it will surely bring a smile on your face. :)) For me, missing someone is only because you care for him/her. And if you are caring for someone don’t hide your feelings, as it is very important.

Another thing which people do is to hide their feelings in front of person they are missing. You must keep your ego aside and convey your feelings to that person. Life is too short; if you love or you miss someone do let him or her know. If that person understands you, it would never ruin your relationship.

So, it is always a good sign for you if you have people whom you miss... You care... You love...

Riela :))

27 Mayıs 2012 Pazar


Can I just ask you to think about the ones who you love in your love...Try to remember what you have shared together... Also, what else you would like to share…? And tell me please, what you could share with a totally stranger? So, I am coming to the point; what do you think about sharing? What does it really mean for you to become a being of love and sharing?

Sharing means opening yourself to be in communication and accepting to be in relationship by having possessions in common. It implies the spirit of generous sharing or the act of giving as contrasted with selfish getting. Here, generosity is not an abstract ideal, but a demonstrable action resulting in a tangible and realistic expression of giving. Also, in most contexts, sharing not just material, but also emotional, mental and spiritual.
In classical Greek, koinonein means "to have a share in a thing," as when two or more people hold something, or even all things, in common. It can mean, "going shares" with others, thereby having "business dealings,” such as joint ownership of a ship. It can also imply "sharing an opinion" with someone, and therefore agreeing with him, or disagreeing in a congenial way. Only participation as a contributive member allows one to share in what others have. What is shared, received or given becomes the common ground through which Sharing becomes real.

Many people think a simple action of giving is enough, but this is not the case. To share is a mutual relationship and communication. Spiritually, it means we have given up something. This is how most mystics’ phrase, “Share until it hurts” ... It hurts because you encounter with your selfishness and Superego. Eventually, if you achieve to give and share the things, emotions and thoughts, you are on the way to vibrate with one of the great wisdom that involves generosity.

For me, Sharing involves Caring... It is such a deep care that we don’t feel we are owed anything in return. It is a great step for the unconditional love, wisdom and strength... They are very much connected with our ultimate aims of living that are happiness and maturity. In other words, to really share -symbolically like the Sun or Light,- it needs to be unconditional, without any agenda of our own. The intense desire to share is what really connects us to the Light.

So lets start with a simple step this week. Try sharing until it hurts.
This sharing could be in many levels: material, emotional, mental and energetic... Sharing is not an easy task; you need to face with your Ego… At least lets try and observe us objectively…I think that would be a great reflection in our Journey of Self-Discovery…

Good Luck =)
All the best,

20 Mayıs 2012 Pazar


How would you react if i would claim that rhythm is the main element for survival?
I am writing this words in a classical music concert.
I am impressed by the dynamism, unity and communication through music, rhythm, melody...
I just felt like to write, and by this time felt like to share.

The symphony consist of different unique rhythms, however they form one perfect melody. As in daily life, all of us have different thoughts, emotions and expressions. As human-beings, we make sense and we exist just with union of them. It is undeniable that with this combination we spread our rhythm, our energy to the world around us. Living in a society, in a family, in a friend group or in an intimate relationship is like playing in a symphony. You have to be in harmony with everything around you. By being aware of the fact that you are part of an cosmic unity, you can adjust your rhythm -character, traits and talents- accordingly. This conciousness of unity gives a motivation for great relationships... Great melodies and dances...

 In the concert,  we can see that although every unique person has his own special talents, different tones and rhythms, everyone adjusts and adapts himself with the rhythm of the others. This is something really impressive and perfect.Also, this is something you may observe and think about it...

All existence have a rhythm, all planets have their own rhythm. All countries, all community and of course all human being contain unique rhythm. By this combination we end up with the cosmic symphony.

I just realized that all kind of communication and relation depend on these rhythms. For me communication is possible if you could find a common rhythm. If you could hear your rhythm and act-dance with it you would be totally free and happy. For any relationship, you need to listen the person or people you want to communicate. And answer or react with the approprate tone. Yes, for me, this is "the secret" of  communication... Balance of your rhythm brings balance to the relationship. Purity, compassion, mercy and love are the very basic elements in this harmony of giving, taking, sharing...What would you say about it?

Finding our rhythm is not a simple task, understanding and being able to listen is the following step,  acting and dancing with your rhythm is an art of life. However the most important part is to balance your rhythm with other rhythms.  This is the real wisdom of reality... However, I am sure that you have already started this journey, and ready to accomplish it.

All in all, everything depends on perception and 
your interpretations. So, it is up to you to interpret the life as a heaven or hell.... As we all are taking part in this cosmic melody and rhythm, it becomes a matter of conscious decision to take part constructively. In any case, smile  and dance with the melody as  sincere as possible. Finally, what I can simply tell: Enjoy from the symphony of living, Just with your rhythm and harmony.

Best Regards,

1 Mart 2012 Perşembe

Felsefe Danismanligi nedir duyan oldu mu?

Öyleyse, kisaca size bahsetmek isterim:

Tarihsel Gelisimi:

1981 yılında Gerd B. Achenbach adlı Alman filozofunun onculugu ile gelisen bir akimdir. Ilk olarak  bir danışmanlık ofisi açmistir.

1982 yilinda 10 üye ile birlikte Almanya'da Felsefi Pratik Derneği'ni kurmustur.

1984 yılında akim akademik cevrede duyulmaya baslamis, ilk kez Amsterdam Üniversitesi'nde pratik felsefeye meyletmiş felsefe öğrencileri Achenbach'ın düşüncelerinden etkilenerek bir çalışma grubu oluşturmustur.

1987 yilinda Derneğin dergisi Agora'nın ilk sayisinin basilmasinin ardinda, calisma grubuna katilan Ad Hoogendijk Hollanda’daki ilk felsefi danışmanlık ofisini açıp çalışmaya başlamistir.

1992 yılında, “American Society For Philosophy, Counseling, Psychotherapy” (ASPCP); yani “Felsefe, Danışmanlık ve Psikoterapi İçin Amerikan Topluluğu” kurulmuştur. Bu topluluk, üç disiplini bir araya getirmek, felsefe ile diğer danışmanlık meslekleri arasında bir bağ kurmak için oluşturulmuştur.

1998”de “American Philosophical Practitioners Association” (APPA); yani “Amerikan Felsefe Uygulayıcıları Birliği” de ortaya çıkmıştır.

Gunumuze kadar Felsefi danışmanlık akımı sirasiyla Fransa, İsrail, Kanada, Amerika, İngiltere, Ispanya ve Güney Amerika ve Afrika'ya yayılmistir.

Bu ekolun öncüleri olan Achenbach ve Marinoff’un çalışmaları ekseninde, Lahav, Amir, Schuster, Walsh, Merstein, Martin, Kuçuradi ve Raabe gibi düşünürler, konu ile ilgilenmektedir. Tek-tuk de olsa Turkiye’de bu akim ile ilgilenenler olmus, bireysel de olsa cesitli calismalar yapilmistir.

Sosyal gelisimi:

Felsefe ile birazcik ilgilenmis herkesin bilebilecegi gibi, temel olarak felsefe gunluk hayatimizin icindedir. En eski Dogu ve Bati kulturlerinde felsefenin cikis noktasi yasadigimiz dunyayi, cevremizi ve kendimizi kesfetmektir. Bununla parallel olarak Felsefe Danismanligi yeni cikmis bir ekol değildir, Pratik felsefenin temelidir. Antik yunan filozoflari, Sofistler, Aydinlanma filozoflari, Varoluscu filozoflar, Felsefelerinin temelinde yasadiklari hayatlarında karşılaştıkları sorunlara, güçlüklere karşı çözüm arayışlarından ve onerilerinden dolayi birer felsefi danışmanidir. Gunumuz akademik felsefe geleneginin tersine felsefe halki ve yasadigimiz cevreyi hedef almaktaydi. Iste, simdi tekrar felsefe danismanligi ile felsefeyi sadece entellektuel bir ugras olmaktan cikarip gunluk hayatlarimiza uyguluyoruz.

Pekii, Neden Felsefe Danismani?

Cevap cok basit, Cunku hepimizin gunluk hayatta karsilastigi zorluklarin cogu felsefi kaynaklidir. Her turlu iliski problemi, kafa karisiklikliklari, duygusal sorunlar, is hayatindaki zorluklar, kariyer secimi, toplumsal-kulturel ve siyasi karsitliklar… Bunlarin en ozunde de kendimizle ilgili problemlerimizde basvuracak tek kaynak felsefe olacaktir. Su noktada hatirlanmasi gereken, Felsefe Danismanlari ya da filozoflar hic bir sorun icin size onceden belirlenmis bir recete sunmaz. Bunun otesinde bizi kendimize ve kosullarimiza en uygun cozumu bulmamiz icin yonlendirirler. Kisacasi, felsefe Danismaniligi yada terapisi kendimizde ve cevremizdeki sorunlari anlayip, onlari farkli yonlerden degerlendirmemizi saglayan bir yaklasimdir. Konulara farkli yaklasimlari okumus ve aratirmis bir felsefeci, yasadigimiz problemlerin nedenlerinin bulunması, anlam kazanmasi ve farkli cozum onerileri sunulmasi surecinde bizlerin düşünmesine yardım eder. Felsefe Danismanligi, her hangi bir konuda sizi ikna etmek ya da belli gorusleri dayatmak yerine, kendi inançlarınız hakkında daha berrak, daha derin ve daha çeşitli fikirlere ulaşmanızı ve bunları göz önünde bulundurarak sorunlarınızı çözmenizi, yaşamınızı yönlendirmenizi hedefler.

Bu yön verme, taa 2500 yıl öncesiden günümüze kadar yaşamış filozofların teorileri, düşünce yöntemleri, sorunları çözerken izledikleri yollar ve bunları gündelik hayatımızda nasıl kullanabileceğimizi konuşarak yapılmaktadır.

 Bu Felsefe Danışmanlığı Nedir, diyenlere?

Tarihi boyunca filozofların pratik olarak karşılarına çıkan kişilerle yaptıkları sorgulama ve tartışmaların günümüz koşullarına uyarlanmasıdır. Danışan ve danışmanın dialoglar ile edindiği felsefe bilgisinin, kavramlarının, analizlerinin ve sorgulamalarının, mantıksal akıl yürütme yöntemleri ile günlük hayatta karşılaştıkları belirli ikilem ve güçlüklere uygulamasıdır. Felsefi danışmanlık felsefe ve günlük hayat arasında bir bağ kurararak, bize felsefenin bireyin pratik ve günlük hayatından ayrılamayacagını gösterir.

Felsefi danışmanlık sırasında kalıplaşmış kavramlar, inançlar, teoriler ve fikirler üzerine çalışılır. Aynı şekilde, hepimizin hayatının temelinde yer alan mutluluk, ahlak, doğruluk, özgürlük ve sorumluluk gibi kavramların birbirleriyle ilişkilerine değinir. En önemlisi, bu sırada bireyler dünya görüşleri ve fikirleri üzerine çalışırken, bir yandan da sorunalrı yaratan duygusal ve psikolojik mekanizmalarla da ilgilenir.

Bu Felsefe Danışmanlığı Ne degildir, diyenlere?

Felsefi danışmanlık herhangi bir psikiatri ya da psikoterapi türü değildir, varoluşa dair bilinmezleri, bilmeceleri psikolojik sorunlara indirgemez. Asla danışanların nevrotik ya da hasta olduğunu varsaymaz, yaptığı çalışma bir tedavi değil, yaşadığımız sorunlara bir çözüm getirme yöntemidir. Felsefi danışmanlık, sizi ve problemlerinizi etiketlemek yerine, konular üzerine açık ve net bir şekilde derin düşünülmesini sağlar.

Riella Morhayim

29 Şubat 2012 Çarşamba


RIELLA MORHAYIM: Dans Yogası: Dans Yogası Nedir? Nasıl bir şeydir? Dans Yogası, En başta eğlenmeyi, kafa dağıtmayı ve günlük hayat döngüsünün ağırlığından sıyrı...

Philosophical Counselling

Have you ever consider whether philosophy could be applied to everyday life? Do you think philosophy is just for academic purposes where it seems quite intellectual or incomprehensible? Philosophy does not just give effective insights for problem solving, but also as Socrates mentioned ‘the unexamined life is not worth of living’ (Plato, 1969: pg.72); it brings meaning, virtue and self-improvement to the lives by the self discovery. Exploring inside of the self enables people to discover their personal and unique thoughts as well as exchange them with other people; as a result they can realize the alteration in their lives. I think philosophy should be concerned as a useful tool that can help almost anyone for a happy and fulfilled life as it is applied to everyday problems and dilemmas. In that sense, it should be advocated that philosophy is present within life where everyone could utilize from it in everyday situations and conditions. In any situation if guidance is asked, by reading a book or an article about philosophy, the (remedy) solution to the problem can be heard in ears. Therefore, due to the fact that philosophy is the way of thinking about life and self; by changing the philosophy, people could change their lives in general.

From the birth, philosophy concentrated on the main human questions such as the best way to live, the criteria for the good as well as the nature of knowledge, beliefs and reasoning. All the main subjects of life that are about goodness, death, personal identity, also the meaning and purpose of reality are included in philosophy; in that sense we could say anyone who reflects on his daily problems is a philosopher.  To say, as most of the people experience relationship crises, moral and personal dilemmas, professional and economical concerns or reason-emotion conflicts in an ordinary day, it is absolutely valid to maintain the strong connection between philosophy and life.  In ancient periods, philosophy was considered as the art of living where the fundamental questions about universe, life, knowledge and human conditions are tried to be reconciled with the daily practices and experiences. To me, in contrast to modern and contemporary attitude that regards philosophy as an academic, abstract, distant and inconsequential discipline, it is the life itself that all people with different proportions have in their lives. As we can witness, in the institutionalized or academic philosophy people should focus on the doctrines of philosophers with an objective and distant manners in which history of ideas, arguments about various ideas and objections about various ideas are concerned. However, like in old and ancient traditions, philosophy should involve an examination of thoughts with connection to subjective views, by which these ideas could be pertained to daily lives. This might be illustrated in the sense that academic philosophy is the history of dance and philosophy in practice is the dance itself. Also, as Pierre Hadot holds, “Philosophers should be judged by how they live, not what they say”, philosophy is a way of life that cannot be alienated from experiences. A genuine philosophical wisdom should be reached, only if it is exercised in practice and theory. So, in every attempt to solve the big questions of philosophy, it is necessary to grasp the correlation between systematic thoughts and daily experiences. Moreover, philosophy is not something that one could put apart, as it is a way of life. In general, an examination of a philosophical topic, which could be about the meaning of life, conception of the good life or the proper place of reason, would bring new perspectives. Therefore, by broadening horizons, philosophy helps people to develop ways to solve the everyday problems that could be related to well-being, happiness, pleasure, right or wrong and reason or emotions. As it is said, “Philosophy has a big contribution to make to wise living (Lebon , 2001),” philosophy aims not only abstract and creative thinking, but also virtuous life with self- awareness and life-awareness. Philosophical self-knowledge is gained through the observation, investigation and reflection of all existing things and life; hence it affects human visions, behaviors and attitudes. In that sense, it is almost impossible to separate philosophy from life.

Furthermore, philosophy enables people share intrinsic values and thought with speeches and dialogues. By that people think about themselves in critical and analytic manner; hence, gain insights into themselves. Philosophy and its dialogues can be considered as a way to socialization where two or more people would exchange their ideas. With this therapeutic sharing, people conduct deep inner thoughts, advance their life-perspectives and change their living conditions. Also, as philosophers have always tried to derive questions that are not queried before, people could learn and understand much about the concepts and universals that could be related to their problems. By observing more sophisticated and institutionalized versions of thoughts, people can find answers to their inquiries and fill the deficient zones in mind. What is more, everybody has a way to deal with life; therefore it could be hold that everyone has his own philosophy. This personal viewpoint could be associated with a philosophical doctrine, a famous thinker or a unique approach, where it provides a glass to evaluate the world beyond it. In that sense necessary to understand personal philosophy with its strong and weak points as well as to find out how that affects our life and behaviors. In other words, personal philosophy should be discovered because by that one could evaluate the life, find the causes to the problems or ways to solve the problems and build up new ideas.

In addition, it is necessary to question whether or how philosophy can be applied to life. Firstly, philosophy can guide people to see and understand their personal problems as well as help them to invent solutions. In this process, what is important after comprehending personal belief system, way of thinking and components of problems is the discovery of the best philosophical approach that is well-matched to their principles. At that point, one might read and find the best philosophical doctrine by himself/herself or need a help of a philosophical counselor who could help him to provide a large scale of philosophical contemplations and suggest the best option to choose. That view is also claimed in Lou Marinoff’s book, Plato, Not Prozac, which is very important for the philosophical counseling, “People’s everyday problems are essentially philosophical.”[1] All the troubles in daily life could be seen physical or emotional; however, they have deeper dimensions and causes that are commonly related to personal perspectives and attitudes. To that effect, philosophical thinking enables people to examine their lives and solve their problems by shedding light on fallacies and misconstruances. To say, when the problems and their real causes are exposed, with the help of any philosophical outlook that is appropriate to that situation, the solution would appear immediately. More to the point, William James’ claim,” The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes” shows how philosophical thinking affects lives. For many philosophers, in order to change the life physically, it is necessary to change its theoretical dimension or philosophical understanding. Although people cannot easily change their circumstances, they can always change the way to interpret them. As a result, it might be supported that all the physical or daily problems that are mostly philosophical stem from the misconception of them theoretically. It is not the case that every problem has a solution, but what is necessary is to reconsider the problem from certain and different perspectives. With the right standpoint people could overcome their struggles and even consider the situations not as source of any problem. That is to say, by the guidance of a philosopher, it is possible to broaden perspectives towards life; thereby the cause of the problems could be solved.

With the book Plato, Not Prozac, Lou Marinoff supports the necessity of philosophical wisdom in everyday situations. He considers philosophy as the key for counseling practices and solving different kinds of problems. In that context almost everyone could get a happy and fulfilled life as well as handle everyday problems and dilemmas just by the help of philosophical thinking. Moreover, in the book Marinoff supports the vital position of philosophy in counseling, where he inspired by Gerd B. Achenbach who first mentioned the philosophical counseling movement in the world.  Since, for them, people’s everyday problems are fundamentally philosophical, with different approaches, different kinds of people overcome their various difficulties and dilemmas. Also, in Marinoff‘s five stages of the counseling process that he abbreviated as PEACE, “Problem identification, Expressing emotion, Analyzing options, Contemplation, Equilibrium;” philosophy plays an important role. In addition, Lou Marinoff makes a comparison between philosophy and psychology. He maintains the significance of philosophy in prevailing over many mental problems, and he puts forward weaknesses of modern mental health professions. In that sense, he does not count philosophy as  therapy that people tries to sell around the globe, rather as an efficient approach that is substitute to psychology and psychiatry. For him modern psychology and its techniques like psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral or existential-humanistic therapy is quite outdated where these practices are inadequate that they use the standard categorization of disorders in every situation. However, as people cannot conclude their problems with one universally accepted view, using philosophy in counseling could be difficult, complicated and even confusing. As a merit of the book, that while allowing for philosophy, Marinoff does not restrict himself to the western way of thinking, besides utilizes from eastern methodologies. For example in many cases, he compensates Existentialism (taking responsibility) with Buddhism (not being worried about what one cannot change), Ayn Rand (virtue of selfishness) with Dalai Lama (virtue of helping others), Hobbes (finding the balance of powers in every change) with the ancient Chinese text I Ching (everything changes) or Hegel’s theory of master-slave with the Yin-Yang theory in Taoism. To say, Marinoff, open new windows to customary methodologies by the synthesis of all kinds of attitudes

In Marinoff’s other book, Big Questions, after listing 8  ways how philosophy can change your life (Healing, Flourishing, Attaining, Emancipating, Awakening, Managing, Purifying, Being) he states, “philosophy can be helpful to ordinary people through the application of useful ideas to their concrete problems of living (Marinoff, 2004).” It is claimed that philosophy is about clarifying, questioning and exploring big questions of life, where it guides people to have happy, wise and deep lives. He also mentions the differences between disease and dis-ease, where the former is about things that are medically wrong with you and the other is more psychological and mental that is about discomforts in conscious. In that sense, for him everyday problems are related to dis-eases and the solutions for them can be found philosophically. The book provides good advices to deal with everyday problems of life. All in all, in his books, Marinoff emphases on the useful and effective function of philosophy in psychoanalysis and general life problems.
Resembling the notions mentioned above, Tim Lebon advocates the view, “every approach to counseling is based on some philosophical assumptions”[2] in his book Wise Therapy. This book contains main human issues like love, wisdom, happiness, success, pain, complications and difficulties in philosophical perspective. In the sense that many personal and ethical problems are covered mainly from three basic viewpoints, existential-phenomenological counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, and philosophical counseling, the book is should be concerned as an efficient work which is a composition of psychology and philosophy. Wise Therapy in general could be considered as the guideline to operate philosophy in ethical and personal dilemmas. Hence, philosophy practically brings wisdom and healing within one’s life. Like Pierre Hadot mentioned in the name of his famous book “Philosophy As A Way Of Life “ philosophy, a way of life, is directly about finding methods to resolve lifetime difficulties and struggles.

Taking everything into consideration, it is undeniable that philosophy could change lives positively. Philosophical inquiry about the life motivates different interpretations of the situations, it is crucial for the happy and virtues life. People can solve their concrete and difficult problems of living, with the guidance of new and useful philosophical visions. As Albert Einstein quotes, “Problems cannot be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”, in order to overcome a problem, it is necessary to change the way to look at it. To say, philosophy is the wand to transform the problems to the wisdom by just changing the perspectives. Since all daily struggles are the nodules of the loop of life, by the philosophical contemplations to the small problems, the big is questions of existence would be resolved automatically.


Hadot, P., Davidson, A., Chase, M. (1995). Philosophy as A Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell
Lebon, T. (2001). Wise Therapy: Philosophy for Counselors. New York: Continuum
Marinoff, L. (2000). Plato, Not Prozac!: Applying Eternal Wisdom to Everyday Problems. New York: HarperCollins Publishers.
Marinoff, L. (2004). The Big Questions: How Philosophy Can Change Your Life. London: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC
Plato, (1969). The Last Days Of Socrates: Euthypro, The Apology, Crito [And] Phaedo. Harmondworth, Middlesex, Baltimore: Penguin Classics



[1] Marinoff, 2000
[2] http://www.timlebon.com/philuse4couns.htm

Biraz Felsefeye Ne Dersin?


   Yoksa sen de biraz kendin için ve bütünün hayrı için düşünmek ve konuşmak için sabırsızlanıyorsun???
    Felsefeyi bir yaşam biçimi olarak ele alabilmenin önemine inanıyorum. Felsefe sadece üniversitelerde okutulan ve gündelik hayattan uzaklaştırılmış bir bilim dalı olduğunu düşünmüyorsanız size bir teklifim var:
Her tür günlük problem için, aşk ilişkileri, ahlaki yaşam, meslek hayatı, ölüm kavramı gibi pratik hayatla başa çıkmak adına hepimizin sorguladığı konulara tamamen eleştirel ve felsefi bir gözle bakmaya ne dersiniz? Tarih boyunca dünyanın dört bir tarafında yaşamış büyük filozofları ve felsefeleri ele alarak onları anlamaya, yorumlamaya ve eleştirmeye çağırıyorum.

Cevabı olmayan sorularımızı ve çözümü olmayan sorunlarımızı gözden geçirip, yaşamımızı daha bilinçli ve bilgece sürdürebilmek için cesurca ve felsefi bir bakışla tartışmaya hazır mısınız?

 Felsefenin kendisini öğretmeni olarak seçen birinin yönlendirmesiyle, özel gruplarla interaktif Klasik ve Doğu Felsefe çalışmaları... Genel olarak felsefi akımları, filozofları, çeşitli kavramları genel olarak ele alıp üzerine derin bir şekilde düşünüp, tartışıyoruz. Tıpkı antik yunanda yapılan felsefe toplantıları gibi doğal bir şekilde hayatı, derin konuları ve güncel olayları derin bir göz ile ele alıp üzerine kendi zihinsel pencerelerimizden yorumlar yaparak konuşuyoruz.

 Birlikte yapacağımız çalışma ile size bilmedikleriniz değil de bildiklerinizi hatırlama fırsatı sunuyorum. İçinizdeki filozofu uyandırarak Kendi felsefenizi berraklaştırma ve ihtiyacınız olan bütün bilgilere erişebilme  imkanı ile buluşuyoruz.

İlgilenenler ve daha detaylı bilgi için:  0532 569 7406

Teşekkür ederim.
Saygılarımla ve sevgilerimle,

Riella Morhayim

Dans Yogası

Dans Yogası Nedir? Nasıl bir şeydir?

Dans Yogası, En başta eğlenmeyi, kafa dağıtmayı ve günlük hayat döngüsünün ağırlığından sıyrılmayı hedefleyenleri davet ediyor. 5-16 yaş arası çocuklar bunu cesurca ve özgürce itiraf edebilenler olarak dans yogasının değişilmez katılımcılarıdır. Aynı zamanda hepimizin yaşadığı hayat problemlerinden ve engellerinden kurtulmak, zihnen rahatlamak, duygulardan arınmak ve ruhsal gelişimi de paralel olarak amaçlandığı için kendini yakın hisseden herkese açıktır.
Kullanılan teknikler öncelikli olarak Duruşu düzeltmeyi, fiziken güçlenmeyi, esneme yeteneğini geliştirmeyi, her şekilde rahatlamayı ve dinlenmeyi hedeflemektedir. Her tür dans ve spor türüne hazır bir vücut kazandırmaktadır. Her türlü iş ve ilişkiye hazırlayan bir güven ve iletişim kazandırmaktadır. Her türlü eğitime hazırlayan zihin, kapasite, hafıza ve algıyı geliştirmektedir. Her türlü ruhsal çalışmayı hazırlayan farkındalık ve olgunluğu ortaya çıkarmaktadır. Hayatın her alanında başarı, huzur ve denge sağlayarak mutluluğun sırrını ve hayata bakış açısı sunmaktadır.

Duruş üzerine odaklanarak vücudu güçlendirir, sağlıklı hale getirir. Çeşitli tekniklerle; koordinasyonu, esneklik ve dengeyi geliştirir. Dışa vurumcu yaklaşımı ile özellikle çocuklarda ifade yeteneğini, konsantrasyonu ve özgüveni yapılandırır.Dans ve Hareket Terapisi Yöntemleri kullanılarak çocuk ve gençlerin zihinsel ve fiziksel gelişimleri hızlanır ve koordinasyon kapasiteleri artar.

  Dans Yogası, estetik, teknik veya artistik bir kaygı olmadan, herhangi bir dans kuralına ve türüne bağlı olmadan; fakat dansın ve müziğin müthiş ahengine kişisel ritim ile katılımı amaçlar. Doğaçlama olan, özgür ifade olarak kabul edilen ve keyifle yapılan bir dans en yüksek estetik, şifa ve arınmayı getirir. Fiziken başlayan dans, huzur, ritim ve ahenk hayatın her noktasını kaplayarak her an, her ortamda ve her kişi ile mutluluk ve yaşama sevincini türetir.


• Yaratıcı hareketler ve düşünme sayesinde kısıtlamaların ötesinde çok kapsamlı zihinsel kapasite ve algı sağlaması

• İletişim ve ilişki kurma becerilerinin geliştirilmesi

• Konsantrasyon artışı, ilgi, merak ve öğrenme isteğinin geliştirilmesi

• Negatif duyguların öfke, korku, endişe vb. ifade edilip nötralize edilmesi

• Pozitif duyguların, coşku, sevgi, motivasyon vb. Yoğunlaştırılması

Ritim duygusunun geliştirilmesi ve dolayısıyla müziğe uyumlu hareket edebilme yeteneği kazandırması

• Fiziksel güç,sağlıklı(fit) bir beden, denge,esneklik ve dinamizm kazanılması

Dans Yoga’ sının derinine girersek,

Yoga ile Beden-Zihin- birliği sağlanır. Dans ise Beden, Zihin ve Ruhun neşeli ve ahenkli birliğidir. Dans Yogası, Yoga duruşları (asanalar) ve Modern dans figürlerinin harmanlaması ile meydana gelmiştir.
Yoga-Dansın ortak kullanımı bedene karşı farkındalığımızı arttırır; Gözleri, boynu, kalçaları, ayak duruşlarını, omurgayı bilinçli kullanmak, yanında nefes çalışmaları, mudralar, zihinde canlandırma ve imgeleme çalışmaları sayesinde herkes bedenine, duygularına ve düşüncelerine seslenebilme imkanı kazanır. Bedenin, zihnin(düşüncelerin) ve duyguların dengeli işbiriği ile kalp merkez sayılan ruhsal yönümüzle tanışırız; böylelikle sahip olduğumuz her şeyi kullanırız. Her duruşla, her mudrayla, her nefesle ‘bir oluruz’. O duruş, o mudra, o nefes ‘oluruz’. Bütünüyle beden, zihin ve ruhun uyumunu yaşarız.

Yüzyıllardır pek çok farklı kültürden insanlar dansı, mistik çalışmalarda, dini ayinlerde, derin ve güçlü duygularını anlatmak, hastalıkları tedavi etmek, önemli olayları kutlamak için kullanmışlardır. Yoga ise kişisel gelişimi amaçlayan, farkındalık yolunda ilerleyen herkes için o sonsuz kapının ilk adımlarındandır.

Dans yogası hareketin ve bedenin gücünü kullanarak, kişisel büyüme, sağlık ve iyileşme süreçlerine katkıda bulunmaktadır. Çocuğunuz yogayla keşfetme, kabul etme, paylaşma, sevme ve saygı gösterme duygularını yaşar ve bu duyguları bir süre sonra çevresine yaymaya başlar. Yoga çocuklarda var olan o saf enerjinin korunması için en etkili yöntemdir. Dans ise en etkili rahatlama ve meditasyon tekniği olarak Kabul edilir; aynı zamanda da neşe ve özgürlüğü getirir. Çocuğunuz yoga ile kendi bedeninin, zihninin ve duygularının farkına varır ve dans ile öz güven kazanır.

Küçük yaşta başlanılan dans ve yoga; astım, uykusuzluk, sindirim problemleri, hiperaktivite ve öğrenim güçlükleri gibi çeşitli tıbbi durumlar için önleyici bir etken olur. Tüm hayatları boyunca iyi değer ve davranışlara sahip olabilmesi için kullanabilecekleri yöntemler sunar. Çocuğunuzun fiziksel, akılsal, sosyal ve ruhsal açıdan sağlıklı ve dengeli olmalarını sağlar. Sağlıklı beslenme alışkanlıkları oluşturmasına da yardımcı olur. Bu sayede koordinasyon ve beceri kazanır. En önemli özelliklerinden biri Doğa ile hassas ve derin ilişki kurmamıza yardımcı olmasıdır; doğa döngülerini takip ederek, Bitkileri imgeleyerek ve Hayvanları taklit ederek(fark ederek, hayal ederek,vb.) hem hayal gücünü hem de duyarlılığı geliştirir. Sinirleri ve salgı bezleri harekete geçer. Kan dolaşımı hızlanır. Çocuklar doğru nefes almayı öğrenirler. Bedenin esnemesi zaman içinde zihnin de esnemesine faydalı olur. Çevresine farkındalık geliştirir, incelemeyi ve keşfetmeyi öğrenir. Rekabet yoktur. Çocuklar, daha merkezinde olarak odaklanmayı öğrenir.

Dans Yogası, vücut, zihin ve ruhu kapsayan bir çeşit kendini geliştirme sistemidir. Sürekli ve düzenli yapılan çalışmalar vücudun diri, metabolizmanın dengeli, sinir sisteminin güçlü, kan dolaşımı ve bezelerin fonksiyonlarının düzenli olmasını sağlar. Zihne ve ruha huzur ve mutluluk getirir. Vücudun esnekliğini sağlar. Kaslara, eklem yerlerine iç organlara ve sinir sistemine güç verir; sağlamlaştırır. Solunum organlarının düzenli çalışmasını sağlar, düzenli nefes almayı öğretir, sindirim problemlerini çöze. İç salgı bezlerini çalıştırarak normal dengeyi sağlar, omurga sinir sistemine güç verilerek hastalıkları önler, zihnin durulmasını sağlar ve olumlu düşüncelerin üretilmesini sağlar; bütün bedeni güçlendirip dinçleştirir, vücudu güzelleştirir, rahatlık verir, sakinleştirir ve sabırlı olmayı öğretir; insanı öz benliğine kavuşturur.

Özel gruplar oluşturarak, Her yaş grubuna uygun programlar mevcuttur.

    Riella Morhayim